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From Turin: Autostrada A21 Turin-Piacenza

Take the A21 Autostrada in the direction of Piacenza. After passing the Felizzano exit take the A26 Autostrada in the direction of Genova. Leave the Autostrada at Alessandria Sud and take the SS30 in the direction of Acqui Terme. After 20km, you will arrive at Cassine. Just past the village, turn right for Cassine Superiore, climbing the bends of the hills to the top, then turn left and continue for approximately. 1 Km. You will see Cascina Bianca on your left.

From Milan: Autostrada A7 Milan-Genova

Take the A7 Autostrada in the direction of Genova. After the exit for Castelnuovo Scrivia, take the A26 Autostada in the direction of Alessandria – Torino. Immediately after the exit for Alessandria Ovest, take the A26 Autostrada in the direction of Genova. Exit at Alessandria Sud and take the SS30 in the direction of Acqui Terme. After 20km you will arrive at Cassine. Just past the village, turn right for Cassine Superiore, climbing the bends of the hills, then at the top, turn left and continue for approximately 1 Km. You will see Cascina Bianca on your left.

From Genova: Autostrada A10 Genova-Voltri

Take the A10 Autostrada from Genova in the direction of Voltri. After the exit for Voltr, take the A 26 Autostrada in the direction of Gravellona Toce. Exit at Alessandria Sud and take the SS 30 in the direction of Acqui Terme. After approx. 20 Km you will arrive at Cassine. Just past the village, turn right for Cassine Superiore, climbing the bends of the hills, then at the top, turn left and continue for approximately. 1 Km. You will find Cascina Bianca on your left.

For information and orders:
Fortunato Grillo - Cell. 348.8564400 - Fax. 02437104
Alternatively visit the page, "Contact Us"

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